Jewish Adventist Links

The question may be asked, “what is a Jewish Adventist Mashiach link?” A definition of terms can help.

Jewish Adventists are not replacement theology Christians, meaning that they do not believe that God has abandoned the Jewish people and their culture when they believe in Him. Nor do they believe that God requires them to abandon their culture and language.

messiah_hebrew_mcBet Tikkun is an Inter-faith Congregation where Christians and Jews can worship together.

The original Hebrew word “Mashiach” מָשִׁיחַ appears in the Bible in Daniel 9:25 in the English phrase “Messiah the Prince.”

The Hebrew word for Messiah is מָשִׁיחַ / Mashiach meaning “Anointed One” and equates to the Greek word Χριστός / Christos, from which the words Christ and Christian are derived.

Both the Hebrew and Greek nouns relate back to the verbs מָשַׁח mashach, and χρίω Chrio, which are associated to smearing oil on a person or thing for commissioning into service.

Many believe that The Mashiach has already come and others believe he is yet to appear. Whatever we believe, He can be with us personally through רוּחַ אֱלֹהִים Ruach Elohim, the Spirit of God.

Jewish Adventist Links on this website then carry a very broad sense of anything that can link us to Mashiach.

We believe that Mashiach is on every page of the Bible in some form!

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